What uplifts me.. What moves me... Its a collage of my world.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

ANZAC 25th APRIL...lest we forget

The youth of Australia in 1915..
On 25 April 1915, the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) landed at a difficult and desolate spot on the Gallipoli peninsula and the Turks appeared to be ready for them, a defeat was inevitable, The Gallipoli campaign was a debacle, Military censorship prevented the true story being told but a young Australian journalist, Keith Murdoch (father of Australian newspaper tycoon Rupert Murdoch) smuggled the story about the scale of the Dardanelles disaster back to the Australian Prime Minister who sent it on to the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who was no friend of the British military establishment. It led directly to the dismissal of the British commander, Sir Ian Hamilton who never again was to hold a senior military position.
The British Government ordered an evacuation. By day, the ANZACs kept up their attacks with more ANZACs observed to be landing - by night the force was withdrawn, broken only by sporadic rifle and gunfire. On 20 December 1915, the Anzac retreat was complete, unnoticed by the Turks who continued to bombard the Anzacs' empty trenches. On 9 January 1916, the Turks carried out their last offensive on Gallipoli, revealing only that the entire force had withdrawn without casualty. The evacuation was the Allies most successful operation in Gallipoli.
A British Royal Commission into Gallipoli concluded that from the outset the risk of failure outweighed Its chances of success. The British had contributed 468,000 in the battle for Gallipoli with 33,512 killed. 7,636 missing and 78,000 wounded.
The ANZACs lost 8,000 men in Gallipoli and a further 18,000 were wounded. The ANZACs went on to serve with distinction in Palestine and on the western front in France.
Australia had a population of five million - 330,000 served in the war, 59,000 were killed.
New Zealand with a population of one million lost 18,000 men out of 110,000 and had 55000 wounded.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Find a New Way.....Young Love

Young Love is fronted by singer Dan Keyes, a 24-year-old, 6'6ft tall singer from the middle of Texas. He moved to New York in 2004 to pursue a career in music. In between waiting tables in New York's hip West Village and working at American Apparel during the day, he recorded some demo tracks that got him noticed by DJs and other tastemakers across the city.

Check out the Video for FANW

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

Bob Evans and the Bobbettes...NoWhereWithOutU

Love Kev and his musical metamorphosis
Does it get any better...No Where Without You

Monday, April 16, 2007

Nora.....and her Steinway

More kitty talent.......go NORA

Friday, April 13, 2007

LA.....OLd MAn RIver

Another nifty tune to brighten your day..almost
had me whistling along

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday ..Good Vibes

A little of what gets yr juices flowin cant be that bad
Thanks to THE SMASH MIX from DJ Paul V
in LA Caaaliforneea..THE 100th ONE...
Congrats and great job mate

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Finally the gr8 video of Good Excuse from JBT
..it make yr feet spaz like a penguin on ICE(what?)
Check it out

Sunday, April 01, 2007

300 reasons to get out of Iraq(Persia)

300 based on Frank Millers graphic novel
is a ferocious depiction
of The Battle of THERMOPLYAE ,
in which King Leonidas and
300 Spartan Soldiers fight to the death
against Xerxes(Zercees) and
his massive Persian (Iraqi)Army..
This is the PG version

Juggling Golden Slumber

I am unable to perform multiple motor skils of any
kind...cant brush my hair/talk on my mobile/childwatch
and drive a car or smoke a fag whilst eating toast and sip coffee
whilst driving..like some drivers encountered on my way to work
each day
BUT Chris Bliss..is that his real name would do that on his ear
GO TO THE VIDEO....be patient ..it builds..believe me