What uplifts me.. What moves me... Its a collage of my world.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Mare and Foal in Lush pasture

A new filly foal was born last week.
Sandra 's chestnut mare produced a wee palamino filly ..beautiful isn't she

All that clover and mums milk so rich with colostrum..

AAAAhhh Nature is Tres Magnifique


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Pears but only one

I am always sad when my Pear Tree finishes it Spring Blossom flush..
I love the smell of its perfume..but better still to come is the delicious


Saturday, October 15, 2005

A plethora of Daisies

Daisy in all types..single, chains,dogs, nicknames
None as pulchritudinous as what is in the garden NOW


To everything turn, turn ,turn...

To everything TURN TURN TURN
there is a season TURN TURN TURN
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, A time to die
A time to plant , A time to reap

Atime for peace I swear it's not too late

[Pete Seeger]


Thursday, October 13, 2005

With each drop he gives life...

Arise and be refreshed after the pre dawn refreshing rain...the smell of clean, crisp air invigorates your dulled waking spirit...you are renewed


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ladybird (bug) is Aposematic..yeah..getout!

Under a myriad of sap sucking aphids and a profusion of new plant growth...a true predator arrived. She would be well rewarded for her arrival as the new spring has ushered in a flush of new growth not seen for many seasons.
Dont you just love bugs....it reinforces your faith in the web of life and its marvellous adaptability...and I'm only a casual voyuer...but I liiiiike it!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fruit from Flower

About 4 weeks ago I told you I'd keep you updated on the fruit from my Prunus Plum Tree.
Well today I was finally able to show you the developing fruit.
I suspect that the birds and I will be in competition for the tasty morsels which are probably another 4 weeks away from my taste preference.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Xena and Gabrielle....

Well its true Xena has a moon....yet to be validated by the planet trustees

Gabrielle was seen by Hawaiian sky watchers...Pluto has its Moon too about same size



Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dandelion Clocks

This yellow flowers seed bundle which fascinates all children with its expiratory seed dispersal appears just as Spring gets a hold...do all these seeds land seed head first after beinf blown by wind or disrupted by passing creatures
We used to call them robbers? when we were kids
Dandelion ....another plant marvel.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Day in Spiritual Transition

My hiatus from work..a time to disengage from my frenetic fractile career
..stand back and smell the roses!!!!
Somewhat reflective but joyous...will I red Dylan Thomas (Under Milkwood) again or will I slip into to the time warp that Manning Clark describes in The Puzzles of Childhood....all of this whilst conjuring the most magnificent Chicken Broth and Celeriac brew for lunch...and being audibly seduced by the haunting lyrics of Sufjan Stevens (pron Soofyan)